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Fifth Deloitte Report on Oil and Gas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Fifth Deloitte Report on Oil and Gas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

The Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs has published new verified data on the Kurdistan Region’s oil exports, consumption and revenues, covering the period from 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2018, after a review of the sector by the international audit and consulting firm, Deloitte.

The Regional Council for Oil and Gas Affairs acknowledges the positive feedback received from stakeholders, including the international community, and reiterates its commitment to the people of Kurdistan that the two international audit firms, Deloitte and Ernst & Young, will continue to independently review the oil and gas sector, inclusive of all the streams.

Deloitte’s report for the third quarter of 2018 is accessible through this link (PDF), in Kurdish, Arabic and English.

Frequently asked questions handbook (PDF) in Kurdish, Arabic and English to help readers better understand different sections of the report.



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