On 8 September 2014, Dr Ramazan, Representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq (KRG) in Austria, held talks with Ms Mag Mathe from the Society for Endangered Peoples (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, abbr. GfbV) about the humanitarian and political crisis in Iraq.
“What is happening in Iraq right now is a humanitarian catastrophe, looking the other way is not an option. Our Society for Endangered Peoples acts against the genocide of Christians, Yezidis, Kurds, Assyrians, Alawites, Turkmen, and many other societal and religious communities, which is being committed by the extremist group Islamic State in Iraq right now”, emphasizes Ms Mathe in her conversation with Dr Ramazan.
The central questions of the meeting were how to draw the attention of the Austrian people to the atrocities committed in Iraq, and how the Austrian public can be moved to contribute to the humanitarian support for the hundreds of thousands of refugees.
The Society for Endangered Peoples was founded in 1985 as an association based in Vienna. As an independent international human rights organization, GfbV stands up for persecuted minorities and indigenous peoples. The society documents human rights violations and informs and sensitizes the public. For more information about the Society for Endangered Peoples and their engagement for refugees in the Kurdistan Region, please click here (website only available in German). To access the current issue of the GfbV’s info sheet “endangered peoples” (“bedrohte völker” – only in German available) with a background report on the situation of minorities in Northern Iraq, please click here.
The Representation of the Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq is committed to alleviate the suffering of the hundreds of thousands of refugees in the Kurdistan Region, and collects donations for Christian and Yezidi refugee families to provide them with vital necessities such as food, water, and clothes.
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IBAN: AT62 1200 0100 0921 1292
Keyword “KRG Flüchtlingshilfe Christen & Jesiden in Region Kurdistan-Irak”