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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week

Here you can find a collection of all the highlights of past weeks, condensed in the form of quotes. Follow the title link to read more about the quote and click the Twitter button to share it!


PM Barzani’s statement on International Day against Genocide


Parliament Speaker Faiq’s statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women


President Barzani talks at the “Middle East Peace & Security Forum” in Dohuk


Prime Minister Barzani speaks at the graduation ceremony of University Kurdsitan-Hêwler


The Minister for Religious Affairs, Pshtiwan Sadiq, participates in the forum of the International Religious Freedom Day


Prime Minister Barzani answers an inquiry from a citizen


President Barzani congratulated all parties of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq


Prime Minister Barzani thanks the international partners for theur support with elections


Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani talks to you in USAID Conference


Minister Safeen Diyazee meets Austrian Ambassador in Erbil


President Barzani reflects on the success of Operation “Provide Comfort”


PM Masrour Barzani meets the Head of the Integrity Commission


The historic visit by President Macron in Erbil


Head of Department of Information Technology on Kurdistan’s workforce


Prime Minister Masrour Barzani calls on the population to get vaccinated


Minister Ano Abdoka on International Youth Day


PM Barzani on Yezidi Genocide Remembrance Day


PM Barzani’s speech on the financial and economic situation


PM Barzani presides session of High Economic Council


Verkehrsminister Ano Abdoka beim Treffen mit Präsident Barzani


Prime Minister Masrour Barzani addresses the displaced in Kurdistan


Peshmerga Minister Shorsh Ismail receives Colonel David


Finance Minister reports in the Kurdistan Parlament



Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani led the KRG Delegation to Baghdad


Prime Minister Barzani to young business leaders: “Dream Big”


President Nechirvan Barzani at the Conference: “Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Unity and Constitution”


PM Masrour Barzani during the inauguration ceremony of the cable car in Dohuk.